Thursday, April 13, 2017

Week 5: Questions for Reflection from Sections 15-21

Questions for Reflection for the Devil
1. To what do you feel bound or enslaved, and what will free you?
- I feel bound or enslaved to my job and the amount of hours I have to work. Right now, I have so much school work to do all of the time that it is really a burden to have to work for 5-7 hours four times a week. What will obviously free me from this is when this semester of school ends and I won't be stressed about working all of the time.
2. What negative trait that you possess has only recently come to your awareness?
- One negative trait that I have recently noticed that I possess is extreme procrastination. In high school I didn't have as much work to do as I do now so I didn't really procrastinate a lot. But now, I have so much work to do, but I just can't start it all on time. I end up working on assignments the day that they are do.
3. What fears get in the way of living your life, and how can you move through them?
- Some fears that keep me from living my life are the fear of rejection and the fear of not being liked. Because i'm afraid that no one wants me to talk to them or annoy them, I never end up talking to new people unless they talk to me first. To move through this, I can try to be more outgoing and force myself to meet new people, even if they might not like me.
4. Who or what brings out the worst in you, and how do you allow it?
- I would say my step father brings out the worst in me. I always let little things he says get under my skin until I break and end up reciprocating.
5. In what ways do you sabotage your own well-being and success?
- I would say I sabotage my own well-being and success by being too introverted. I constantly stay at my house instead of going out and doing productive things. This means that I miss a lot of opportunities that I really shouldn't.
6. What personal "demons" have you reconciled or conquered?
- One personal "demon" I have been working on reconciling, and I feel like I am almost there, is my lack of confidence.

Questions for Reflection for the Star
1. What replenishes you?
- I would say that just relaxing and watching Netflix or youtube replenishes me.  Also, spending time with my family or my cat.
2. What brings you hope?
- I would say music brings me a lot of hope. Whenever I am in a bad mood or need some cheering up, music instantly makes me feel ten times better.
3. How are you helping make the world a better place?
- For over a year I have volunteered at an animal shelter. I feel that helping animals who can't help themselves is very important because pets bring a lot of happiness to the world.
4. What are you in the process of healing?
- I am currently in the process of healing the relationship between my sister and I. We have been in a fight for a little over a week and we have been working to resolve the issue.
5. In what activity do you receive back as much, if not more, than what you give?
- I would say I receive back more than I give when I volunteer at my local animal shelter. Going and helping the dogs in this shelter, even if its just taking them on a walk or giving them a bath, brings me so much joy. Whenever I leave I am always in the happiest mood.
6. When have you experienced a cleansing and renewal?
- I think that starting college was kind of like a cleansing and renewal in a way. This is because you kind of start off with a clean slate. Nobody knows what you were like in high school and you get to make all new friends and act however you want to.

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