Friday, April 14, 2017

Week 10: Spreads

I still find the life journey spread as the most useful spread to me. For this assignment, I read my mother on two different days using two different spreads. One day I read her with the life journey spread. She felt like she could relate to all of the cards that she was given. She was especially shocked to see that the death card was in the place of her "where you are now" card. She is currently starting a new diet and leaving behind her past habits of eating unhealthy. She said this is definitely what the reading must be about.
The second spread I used to read my mom was the gift spread. This spread has you pull out two cards. The first card is what you have to give the world. The second card represents what you are open to receive. She couldn't quite decide what this reading was referring to for the card about what she had to give. However, she said the card she got for what she was open to receive was pretty accurate.
In summary, she felt like she more related to the first reading. She could understand what all three cards in that reading were telling her. In the second reading, she could get a clear answer from one card, but struggled to connect the other to her current situation. This could just mean that she might have to reflect on this more and really figure out what that card was telling her she could give to the world.

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