Thursday, April 13, 2017

Week 4: Questions for Reflection from Major Arcana 8-14
1. Who do you need to forgive?
- I need to forgive my sister. We recently got into a big fight and I have been ignoring her for a while now.
2. What do you no longer need but are afraid to let go?
- This might be a weird answer, but I currently work at a grocery store as a book keeper. When they trained me to bookkeep, they gave me a packet with step by step instructions for the computer aspect of the job. I currently still look at this packet every time I bookkeep to make sure I am doing everything correctly and not missing everything even though I have been bookkeeping for about eight months now. I really don't think I need it anymore, but i'm always really nervous that the day I don't look at it, I will forget to enter a piece of important data or will go out through the steps out of order.
3. What relationship needs to pass quietly away?
- I don't think I have any relationships right now that need to go away. My friends are all very supportive and kind and I could never end a relationship with a family member.
4. What loss do you still find difficult to accept?
- I definitely still do not accept the loss of my father. He passed away 12 years ago when I was only six years old. Even now I still think about him every day and what my life might have been like if he was still here today.
5. What is absolutely certain and permanent in your life?
- I would say my relationships with my brother, sister and mother are all absolutely permanent in my life. They are my number one support system and can help me through anything.
6. When has the loss of something created space for transformation and growth?
- When I was in fifth grade, my mother lost her job. She eventually found a new job that paid even better than her last one and she is much happier there.

1. What conflicts are you working to bring to harmonious resolution?
- I am currently in a fight with my sister and I plan to stop ignoring her today and try to work it out.
2. What in your life could be improved by adding new energies or resources?
- My stress levels might be reduced if I had new energies to complete all of the tasks I have to complete.
3. What opposite energies are you learning to combine and integrate?
- I am learning to integrate positivity into my life. I am usually a pretty negative person and tend to only see the down sides to everything. However, I have been trying to see the bright side in everything recently.
4. When have you played the role of mediator or peacemaker?
- In my friend group, two girls were in a really bad fight and I was one of the people who was communicating with both girls. I tried to have them talk to each other and help each one see why the other was upset. They eventually did agree to go out to lunch together along with me and one other friend. During this lunch, we talked through everything and by the end, their relationship was good as new.
5. Where is moderation most needed in your life?
- I think I need to start using moderation with the foods I eat. I have learned that it's okay to continue to eat foods that I like, I just have to eat smaller amounts of them and maybe not every day.
6. Who, given your differences, is your most unlikely friend?
- I have a girl at work who I have recently become really good friends with. I am a pretty quiet person, especially in public. She is the complete opposite and has no problems speaking her mind as loud as she can. I really admire how tough she is because I really can't handle rude customers as well as she can.

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