Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Week 3: Questions for Reflection from pages 33-68

Empress Questions for Reflection:
- How and When do you Nurture Yourself?

  • I would say I nurture myself by allowing myself to take time to do things that I enjoy doing. For example, I purposefully give myself time in my day to watch Netflix or draw on my whiteboard. This really helps me clear my mind and diminish my stress levels. I would say I let myself relax once a day for about one-two hours. If I don't have time to take a break one day, I might take a bigger break the next day. I also would say I nurture myself by always getting the proper amount of sleep no matter what.
- What is the Most Memorable Act of Caring Ever Shown to You?
  • The most memorable act of caring that I have ever been shown was when I was in the hospital with pneumonia. I was only 7 years old, but I can remember it very clearly. All of my nurses were extremely caring and made my week stay in the hospital much better. My mother was also very caring during this time in my life and wouldn't leave the hospital for more than an hour at a time and only if someone else could stay with me. All of my family members visited me and brought me gifts to cheer me up and I felt really cared for.
- Who Could Benefit from your Compassion, Tenderness, and Generosity?
  • I believe that people who are enduring long stays in a hospital could benefit from my compassion. I have wanted to start volunteering at a hospital for a very long time and I really think it would be beneficial. I would like to work with people who have to stay in hospitals for a very long time and try to brighten their days a little bit.
- What is the Most Extravagant Gift you Have Ever Given or Received?
  • The most extravagant gift I have ever received was a trip to Disney World for Christmas. I received this gift from my mother and step-father. This was an extravagant gift because I am obsessed with Disney World and it's also very expensive. The most extravagant gift i've ever given was to my brother. He had wanted a football jersey for a specific player for a long time so I gave it to him for his birthday. It was a little expensive, but the look on his face when he opened it was definitely worth it!
- What Pleasures do you Allow or Deny Yourself?
  • One pleasure that I allow myself is watching television. I watch Netflix and Hulu often. I also allow myself the pleasure of eating foods that I like and drinking coffee every day. I deny myself the pleasure of doing nothing for a whole day. I find that if I ever do end up spending a whole day just laying around watching TV, I end up feeling really tired and bad at the end of that day.
- What do you Find Beautiful?
  • I find really big mountains to be extremely beautiful. As well as really cute towns with little shops. I also think that Giant architectural marvels are beautiful. This includes the Eiffel Tower and the Taj Mahal. I also think that most churches are really beautiful on the inside with all of their stained glass and intricate artwork. I think flowers are beautiful and most of nature in general.
Emperor Questions for Reflection
- What Needs to Get Organized in Your Life?
  • Right now I need to organize my time a little bit better. I find myself spending too much time on some tasks and completely disregarding others.
- When or With Whom Would it be Useful to be More Assertive?
  • I think it would be useful for me to be more assertive with my sister. She often says things to me that I don't agree with, but I try to avoid confrontation and ignore or go along with it. I should be able to speak my mind to her and tell her how I feel.
- When or With Whom are you too Controlling?
  • I might be too controlling with my little brother. This is only when I feel like he is acting up and nobody is telling him what he is doing wrong.
- Who in Your Life Most Exemplifies Emperor Qualities?
  • I would say my mother exemplifies the emperors qualities the most. She is extremely organized, rational, responsible and assertive.
- How Easy is it for you to Stand up for Yourself?
  • It is not easy for me to stand up for myself at all. I really do not like confrontation and I would never want to start any.
- How Easily are you Able to Act on Your Decisions Without the Need for Approval?
  • Not easily at all. I really like to get other people's feedback before I make any important decisions. It is important for me to hear other people's opinions on stuff to make sure I don't make any major mistakes.

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